Hazardous waste is a byproduct of human endeavors. The amount of waste produced is directly proportional to human activities in agricultural, residential, institutional, municipal, commercial, mining, and recreational industries. This issue of hazardous waste is rapidly increasing and could potentially cause significant trouble in our communities.
The rapid growth and progress in the aforementioned industries are primary sources of the accumulation of hazardous waste that can harm the health of people and the environment. Typically produced by manufacturers and other industrial organizations, the EPA has identified hazardous waste as containing elements and properties that can produce potentially detrimental impacts.
Hazardous waste is classified based on biological, chemical, and physical properties. These properties generate materials that are either toxic, reactive, ignitable, corrosive, infectious, or radioactive. Hazardous wastes can take the form of solids, liquids, sludges, or contained gases, and they are generated primarily by chemical production, manufacturing, and other industrial activities. They may cause damage during inadequate storage, transportation, treatment, or disposal operations.
Direct health impacts from the mismanagement of waste are well known and can be observed in developing countries. To mitigate existing problems and prevent future harm, governments closely regulate the practice of hazardous waste management through waste packaging and disposal. Managing these increasing volumes of hazardous waste has become a pressing issue. We at PacTec aim to provide a solution to this problem.
Hazardous waste generated at a particular site often requires specialized packaging and transport to an approved treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF). Due to potential threats to public safety and the environment, transportation and storage of such wastes by utilizing hazardous waste packaging are given special attention by governmental agencies. Therefore, the chosen packaging for such purposes must be UN-approved and must also comply with the regulations set by the Department of Transportation (DOT).
Selecting the proper packaging for the safe storage and transportation of hazardous materials can be a daunting task- given the numerous EPA, UN, and DOT regulations. While there are various containers available for storing different types of hazardous waste, it is essential to use the correct container for each type. At PacTec, we have designed, manufactured, and patented several innovative packages to help make the process easier. We offer several UN-rated and DOT-approved packages and have the experience and expertise to recommend suitable solutions for your needs.
Among our solutions are several hazardous waste packaging options for safely storing various wastes. All hazardous waste substances have a different state (liquid, gas, or solid) and have specific characteristics such as “flammable liquid.” Recognizing these states and hazards enables our team here at PacTec to assess the risks and provide you with the safest and most suitable containers or packaging. With consistent inventory and several patented product lines for safe transport and disposal- PacTec can offer custom hazardous waste packaging solutions that cater to your specific requirements.
Industrial Supplies for Your Nuclear Site Needs
Safely Disposing of Biological and Organic Waste to Mitigate Infectious Spread